Adoption Agency

A local adoption agency is in the works! After six months of pursuing private adoption, we are also partnering with an adoption agency. Although we are certified to adopt should our doctor, attorney, friends of family refer a child to us, we are moving forward with this agency as well. They will begin working on our behalf in the coming months. WHEW!
We are so happy! I love the fact that trained counselors and mentors come alongside potential birth moms for the whole journey- well past the baby's birth date. AND they encourage us as well. It's always been in my heart that this young mom will have all the support she needs. And ladies at this agency are made for that!
In the coming months, I look forward to taking parenting classes with other folks looking to adopt as well. I'm excited to hear their stories and discover their hearts for adoption. One thing is certain: God is writing our family's story. And although it's a wait- I believe one day it will be worth it.
I am grateful this agency isn't as expensive as most (they receive support which defrays some of our cost.) Still, pray for us in the area of financial blessing- especially if we get twins:) Fingers crossed.:) We hope to provide a wonderful home for a little one to grow up in.